Earth minute

Solving climate is SIMPLE (when you really THINK about it)...Pollute less today & INNOVATE more tomorrow!Rinse & repeat!
So, this is an Ai-cubed, applied intelligence-based climate psychology experiment.
We believe that climate is a CHALLENGE, not a crisis.pop
We believe that all we need is just 51% of the population to just THINK FOR THEMSELVES, for Just 1 minute a day.
In other words, we believe that most climate solutions to challenges, can be shared in just 1 minute. We call this an EARTH MINUTE.
Just 1 minute videos, posts, innovations, ideas and best practices examples to show what is working elsewhere that can be shared.

What to get involved?

WE are climate innovators, creatives, thought leaders, volunteer creatives and consultants giving back what they learned over the years, and semi-retired insiders who are able to share what they learned to help accelerate action on climate.iIf you want to pre-register for our virtual climate thinktank or volunteer time and resources to the cause, please say hi and tell us about yourself below.Let's make Earth Great Again!Let's help Mother Earth heal herself.Let's innovate a better world.

Thank you

We will be in touch in a few days.